Today we learned something I had a feeling about for awhile now. The last video for Hayven Games was released. The video its self is just a picture of his pally with the end music that he used in all his videos playing in the background. In the description this was written
“Hayven passed away on the 18th of Mars 2017, 26 years old.
He was an inspiration to many and someone who cared immensely about his fans and community.
Hayven had fought epithelioid sarcoma, a rare and severe form of cancer that usually affects teenagers and young adults.
You will always be missed Hayven, and although you lost to cancer, you have forever won our hearts.
All earnings from Hayvens YouTube channel and Patreon will from now on be donated to cancer research.
Music used:
Silent Partner - Yard Sale
Im glad that he left the password to his youtube channel and other stuff to someone. So many times youtubers go silent suddenly and the community can only speculate as to what happen to them. In Hayvens case he was very open about his cancer so when he went silent I think must of us knew the worst had happen. Thankfully whoever has control of his channel now let us know of his passing.
I found his channel one night when I couldn't sleep, I wanted to find hidden things in wow and I found the goldmine with Hayven Games. I just ended up spending a few hours just watching all the videos he had out at the time. I subscribed that night and have looked forward to new videos up till today.
I have made a playlist of my 10 favorite videos that he has done. I had to limit myself to 10 or else I would have added just about everything to the list. If you have never seen any of his videos I would recommend going to his channel and checking them out.