Now you know what you want in your computer. So where do you get? Well there are a lot of choices and I think it depends on what kind of a user are you. If you need to call customer support a lot or relie on the neighborhood geek you might want to get your computer from a OEM that has good customer service. If you can support yourself then it might not matter where you get it as long as the computer is built right.
For people that want Microsoft Windows you’re in luck there are a lot of places to get computers running windows. OEM’s that make Windows computers are companies as Dell, HP, Gateway, and many others. My top 2 would have to be Dell and HP. They both build really well and sturdy PC’s and they stand by them as well. There is a problem with getting a PC from OEM’s; they put so much crap ware on your computer. They put things like Norton AV, trial for Microsoft Office, and just other things that bog down your computer. Though Dell is not as bad about putting crap ware like HP.
Most OEM’s also sell their computers in places like Walmart, Staples, and any place that sells electronics. This just means you don’t have say as to what is in your computer. If you call or go online they normally let you customize your computer as far as how much RAM you have in the computer, the size of the hard drive, and what CPU is in it. Sometimes if you are getting a laptop they will even let you choose what design is on your laptop. Prices for these computers form these places can go from $200 to 1,000.
Let’s say that is just too much for you and you want Apple’s OS X then you’re in luck. You only have choice ware you can get your computer and that is Apple. This maybe what you want Apples iMac line and Macbook’s are sleek and good looking computer. Unlike the Windows computers you can’t go to Walmart and buy a Mac, you have to go to the Apple Store or go to the Apple web site. Though if you are one that needs support then Apple has awesome support. Now you’re going to pay for this iMacs start at $1,199.00 and for a Macbook they start at $999.00.
It’s up to you if after reading this series and everything points to Apple then get the Apple computer if everything points to a PC then get the PC. There is no such thing as the best computer. The best computer is the one that dose what you want it to do. I really hope this helps you in getting a new computer. If you have any questions email me or leave a comment.