Today around 4AM my grandmother passed away. She had been bedridden ridden for a few years now and at the beginning of the year she took a turn for the worst. She did fight for longer than we thought she would, though grandma had always been a fighter her whole life.
Now both my grandparents are gone and at the time I’m writing this I’m not sure if it has hit me yet. No more running dinner up to her at night, no more stories about how Auburn use to be, and no more going home a few nights a week. Mom and I moved out of the other the side of the house when I was in 7th grade. But no matter where I am if I have a dream where I say "I'm going home”. I go to my grandparents home and of course they are booth there.
But now I say goodbye to grandma and grandpa and to my home where I grew up. I'll probably understand how grandma felt when we drove past her family home and saw it now, the sadness she had seeing her home. I will feel seeing my home in the coming years.
Until the last few weeks I won't lie most days I felt like the rest of us would be gone well before grandma left us, of course that wasn’t realistic. Now is the end of one chapter in my life, and the rest of my family’s lives. I lost a grandmother but they lost a mother today.
I wrote this to let everyone know what is going on right now, and why maybe I have been a bit more quiet. Also why I might be even more in the coming weeks. Know yes I am sad to lose my grandmother, but I am happy for her that she is no longer in pain, not just physically but emotionally as well. From the lost of grandpa a few years ago. Thank you to everyone for understanding, and for those friends that have been there for me the last few weeks. I’m probably going to need you guys even more in the coming days.
Grandma and Grandpa (Willam E Blake and Charlotte T Blake) at their 40th wedding Anniversary.