Well windows 7 came out about a week ago and I got it. I went to staples the day it came out and to my shock there was not a copy on the shelf. I didn’t think it would sell out just like that. I asked a person that worked there if they had a family pack of windows 7 and they said they did got and went home. The first computer to upgrade was my laptop. Though I was really down grading cause I had windows 7 Enterprise witch is Ultimate. How I installed windows 7 was to downgrade to Windows Vista then did a clean install of windows 7. It worked and activated. I had another computer that I had to upgrade but I was not sure it was going to work because I installed the RC on that computer and there had been no other OS that came with it since I built that computer. Well I did the same thing on that computer I had a copy of Vista and installed it on that computer and then did another clean install of Windows 7 on it and once again it worked. SO when I finally get my case for the computer Iam building myself Iam going to do the same thing to get windows 7 on it. My overall esperantist with Windows 7 is as the AD’s say its simpler. Though there have been accounts of problems I just have never had anything bad happen when I upgraded luckily. There is a fix that Paul Thurrott found you can go to his site for that fix. Also Im hoping you like the new look and name for this blog. There is also a new e-mail too mikesworldoftech@gmail.com so e-mail me. I’ll do a better post next time.